UCTR: The Greatest Earth Shattering Invention Ever!

5.3 Ultra Cheap Green Energy -An Amazing Common Root Solution To The
Root Causes Of Diseases, Poverty & Climate change!

In this webpage, we are going to explore, how ultra-cheap green energy driven by UCTR is ultimately going to: -

  • 1. Wipe-out poverty completely without a trace,

  • 2. Mitigate diseases by about another 30% and

  • 3. Reverse the climate change.

It's going to be very exciting to note, on the path to eliminate the root causes of climate change, we can eradicate poverty completely and diseases to an extent of 80% (By volume). Eradication of poverty means elevation of standard of living which in turn results in mitigation of diseases and elevation of well being of humans and their efficiency.

It's heartening to see our great scientists and entrepreneurs have already dedicated themselves to the pioneering noble job of making green energy ultra-cheap through very creative innovations. The logic behind the need to turbo-charge the production of abundant ultra-cheap green energy and its ultra density storage & fast charging systems with the help of the enormous tangible and intangible benefits of UCTR is as explained below.

Once, we are able to produce abundant ultra-cheap green energy and its ultra efficient storage & charging systems, we can use them to power-up both roll-over (2D-coplanar) vehicles (two/ three/ four/ multi wheelers including tractors -preferably FSD vehicles powered by AI) and fly-over (3D-multiplanar) vehicles (preferably FSD drones, airplanes etc.) which can bring down drastically air pollution, cost of transportation, congestion of roadways and road/ transit accidents drastically. This will also automatically address climate change in a huge way as vast amounts of carbon emission is going to be reduced as explained in the following: -

  • 1. Reduction of air pollution and diseases: Non-polluting transport vehicles means prevention of the associated diseases like lung cancer, pneumonia, etc.

  • 2. Inter connection of rivers: We can inter-connect rivers for better water management and utilization with the vast resources unleashed by UCTR! This is going to boost up agricultural and industrial production leading to cheaper consumer goods. Deflation means financial health i.e., up-valuation of money!

  • 3. Cleaning of rivers and oceans: We can clean up rivers and oceans with the help of vast benefits UCTR. This contributes to cleaner environment.

  • 4.Production of abundant potable water: We can use ultra-cheap abundant green energy to purify water and produce abundant potable water which can alleviate water borne diseases like typhoid, diarrhoea etc.

  • 5. Self driven roll/ fly over green vehicles means: Drastic reduction in transit/ road accidents which will save money and facilitates de-crowding of hospitals.

  • 6. Optimization of inventory management: Ultra cheap and ultra fast transportation aided by artificial intelligence will empower us to optimize logistic solutions which will enable us to optimize inventory management. This alone can transform scarcity of consumer goods into abundance of consumer goods instantly to a large extent and bring down their cost steeply!

  • 7. Carbon capturing machines powered by green energy: Will further help us to clean up atmosphere and prevent diseases related to air pollution.

  • 8. De-crowding of hospital: About 80% reduction in hospital crowd is possible by prevention of RVPDs, AR, and diseases related to air and water pollution and prevention of transit accidents as indicated above. This also means 80% reduction in toxic waste of hospitals, reduction in usage of electricity and the related manufacturing and transport costs!

  • 9. Ultra-cheaper consumer goods: All the above actions together lead to abundance of consumer goods @ultra- cheaper cost. This will elevate living standard of all which will also alleviate diseases.

  • 10. Cheaper green fuel to industries: Will reduce the pollution and reverse climate change!

  • 11. Construction of mosquito free/ proof homes for all: Will reduce the chances of mosquito-borne diseases like malaria, dengue, etc., which will further lead to de-crowding in hospitals!

  • 11. Support to core technologies: We can provide support to all the core technologies simultaneously!

All the above mentioned factors will lead to prevention of diseases related to water pollution, air pollution, mosquitoes, malnutrition, road/ transit accidents. Apart from this they will reverse the climate change! Abundance of consumer goods drive deflation and democratizes standard of living and carves the path to peaceful and united world!

In A Nutshell!

In a nutshell, we can instantly unleash the vast power of money, power of time, power of enhanced efficiency of all the 8 plus billion people due to UCTR in the first leg.

And by using the unleashed resources of first leg to prevent diseases/ problems related to air & water pollution, mosquitoes, malnutrition, road/ transit-accidents and climate change in the second leg by promoting ultra-cheap green energy. This can further unleash the tremendous amount of money, time and elevate the efficiency of all. Elevation of efficiency of all means abundance of polymathic brilliance (a magic wand)!

Once this is done, we can deploy all these unleashed abundant resources of first and second legs in a huge way to drive space exploration, building of room-temperature quantum computers, systematic development of safe artificial intelligence, AGI, machine learning, block chain technology, 3D printing, robotic engineering, gene editing, optimum inventory and supply chain management and other umpteen core technologies simultaneously!

This most prudent and pragmatic pathway of sequencing and prioritizing the problems to solve and use the resources unleashed by the solution of one set of problems to solve another set/ sets of problems and so on and on!

Next Up: - 5.4 Let's harness the power of all!