UCTR: The Greatest Earth Shattering Invention Ever!

2.4 With UCTR In Place, Start Working
From Office Or From Anywhere Instantly!

En-Masse Universal Comprehensive Treatment Regimen (En-Masse UCTR) is a most amazing solution which makes it extremely simple to wipe-out allergic rhinitis (AR) and all types of respiratory viral pandemics/ diseases (RVPDs) such as: -

  • 1. Covid-19, Spanish Flu & Any Upcoming Unknown Respiratory Viral Pandemics!

  • 2. Common Colds!

  • 3. Flus, Etc!

@the speed of light @an effective zero-cost with 100% accuracy, NOT 99% ACCURACY!

After a small initial setup period of 5 days, it enables the employees of the governments, industries, businesses, etc., to resume work from office or from anywhere without masks, medicines and vaccines! After this initial setup period, everybody need to continue to perform day-to-day ultra-simple hygienic regimen (UCTR) religiously, in order to stay protected from the respiratory viral pandemics/ diseases (RVPDs) from reemerging from anywhere and @anytime of the year on this planet! In other words, UCTR creates an always-on robust invisible shield against the invisible monsters (respiratory viruses)!

In case, everybody doesn't practice UCTR, individuals can practice it on day-to-day basis, and get 100% protection from AR and RVPDs automatically, even without having to undergo conventional testing, tracing and treating procedures LIKE ME! This also means, there is no need for genome sequencing of new viruses, as we can eliminate them by virus independent treatment regimen i.e., UCTR! Normally, one need not step out of the home for treatment! UCTR is so simple, it can be performed on-the-go or even on-the-fly in air or space! UCTR can prevent all the hospitalizations related to health complications arising out of AR and RVPDs with 100% accuracy!

Next Up: - 2.5 Is paper mightier than nations?