UCTR: The Greatest Earth Shattering Invention Ever!

3.4 Real Life Experience!

How I Overcame The Thick Mucus Trauma

On the Top Of The Hill Station?

In the first quarter of 1993, we planned to visit the beautiful hill station by name Matheran near Mumbai. Myself, my wife and my son boarded the mini train from Neral to reach the top of the hill station. We reached there after about 2-3 hours of rail journey amidst the very exhilarating green scenery. When we reached there my eyes were swollen and burning due to exposure to the railway engine smoke! After the nice dinner in the evening, we went to sleep in the holiday home.

Next morning, we got up feeling very fresh and relaxed. @about 8.30 AM, we had our breakfast and started walking towards a vantage point by name monkey point to have a look @the very picturesque hill surroundings. We thoroughly enjoyed the beautiful scenery! After wards, we stated proceeding towards our holiday home. The vantage point was at a little downward below from the table land. So we have to walk the upward gradient road to reach the table land.

After walking in that upward road for a minute, my breathing became fast, my heart also began racing and suddenly both of nasal cavities got choked up with thick mucus secretions. The viscosity of the mucus was almost equivalent to that of the adhesive we use in furniture making! I had to blow out the mucus very hard to breathe properly. This wild blowing up of nose caused popping up of my ear drums. I felt darkness around me and I almost lost control of my balance due to dizziness. I maintained my balance by widening the gap between the two legs and restored body balance and avoided falling down. I started coughing wildly due to heavy postnasal dripping of mucus. To drain-out mucus out of my nasal cavities, I prepared two post nasal drip blocking devices out of paper torn from my pocket diary and inserted into my two nasal cavities. This eased my breathing by preventing formation mucus bubbles and draining out thick mucus out of my nasal cavities through the nostrils. I removed these paper devices as soon as they became wet and replaced with fresh ones. I had to repeat this process several times in order to fully clear-up the nasal cavities and restore breathing to normalcy. This is how, I overcame the trauma created by the thick mucus!

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