UCTR: The Greatest Earth Shattering Invention Ever!

2.7 Will UCTR Steal
All The Thunder From AI?

UCTR can save over: -

  • A. Millions of lives,

  • B. 5 trillion US$ and

  • C. Over a trillion hours of time

every year @an effective zero-cost! This will take-out a large chunk of uncertainty, anxiety, stress, pain and agony out of human life and bound to increase efficiency of all the 8 plus billion people by @least 20%! As UCTR is instantly scalable worldwide, it starts unleashing humongous resources instantly! We can use all these resources to power-up the herculean task of reversing climate change and turbocharge all the ongoing umpteen core-technologies including AI @an unthinkable speed! So, it's not an exaggeration if we say "UCTR can steal all the thunder from AI". More about this in the next webpages!

Next Up: - 2.8 Does UCTR deserve all the top-most civilian awards of the world?