UCTR: The Greatest Earth Shattering Invention Ever!

4.3 In The Trail Of Research!

In this webpage, you can find some interesting comments/ views from the prominent people during the course of my research work.

1. Ajith Balakrishnan CEO, Rediff (March 14, 1999)

Dear Dhummi

I am very happy to see your creative work on our home pages facility and I sincerely hope that the world acknowledges the quality of your work.

2. Dr. Hebbar, ENT Surgeon (July 28, 1999)

Dear Mr.Dhummi,

Your site was very informative. I too am an ENT surgeon and I will try it out on my allergic patients. I will e-mail their responses. How long do these Allergic Rhinitis individuals have to go on the ice treatment. Do let me know ........!

3. Dr. Abel-Jan Tasman -MD, Heidelberg, Germany (Feb 2, 1999)

The nose list offers a unique and convenient opportunity to gather information which is not found in textbooks or journals and I personally enjoyed the development of discussions (rather than being cut out by the current reply mode) "How I do it" worldwide, research experience on the sub-significance level and "breakthroughs" such as the ice therapy (did ice therapy from India induce nose list hypothermia?).

Best regards and thanks .....!

4. Dr. Dong-Joon Park -MD, RHINOLOGIST, South Korea (27, Jan 2000)

Subject: It's a very interesting method

Dear Mr. Dhummi

I am a rhinologist working at university hospital in south Korea. It was very interesting when I read your theory about the ice cream methods and the paper rolls of flush technique. Could you tell me more precisely about the paper rolls of flush technique?

5. Dr. Tariq Abdelkarim -MD, University of Missouri - Kansas City, USA (Jan 13, 2000)

I am interested in your flush technique. Please send me description of the technique.


T Abelkarim, MD

6. Dr. Rizvi ENT Specialist, Pakistan (Feb 10, 2004)

Dear sir,
I am an ENT specialist and particularly interested in the chronic nasal conditions, I feel that these conditions are usually misdiagnosed and mistreated and hence there have developed many misconceptions regarding these conditions, specially the surgical treatments for the chronic nasal conditions, like deviated nasal septum and chronic rhinitis. I am greatly impressed by the research you have done to provide relief from nasal allergy specially your cold water treatment, I have also provided a link to your website on my personal website. Keep up the good work.

7. Prof. Ronald Eccles Director, Common Cold Centre, Cardiff University, UK. (March 17, 1999)

Dear Dhummi,

Nice web pages- I will make a link with ours when I get a chance to update the pages

Kind Regards

Ron Eccles


Professor Ronald Eccles, Director, Common Cold Centre

Cardiff University, Cardiff CF1 3US

Wales, United Kingdom.

8. Dr. Deboleena Sengupta -MD, Research Assistant, INSEAD. (Oct 18, 2005)

I would like to thank you for this very innovative yet simple discovery. Having suffered for so long from various allergy related complications this remedy is godsend. ANAT has relieved a lot of the swelling of my sinuses,........... I do it regularly

......... I have already spread the word and in my family everyone is practicing what you have discovered and gaining greatly from it. I thank you on all their behalf too. I wish you all the best in all your endeavors......

Next Up: - 4.4 Author's experience with UCTR!