UCTR: The Greatest Earth Shattering Invention Ever!

4.2 Feedback For
Post Nasal Drip Blocking Device!

An Amazing User's Feedback!

Paper devices prevent adenoid surgery! -Says Burton, Ohio, USA: (Feb 13, 2003)

You described some of my symptoms so accurately that I tried the paper in the nose technique. It worked! I am astounded to be writing this. I had gone so far as being in surgery to have adenoids removed.

"The Dr. did not do the surgery because my adenoids looked fine he said..... I feel fortunate to have found your page...........Still paper in the nose"

Note: - The idea behind the postnasal drip blocking treatment is as explained in the research document in pdf format, which is available for preview to the visionary corporate leaders/ entrepreneurs on request.

Next Up:- 4.3 In the trail of research!