UCTR: The Greatest Earth Shattering Invention Ever!
Universal Comprehensive Treatment Regimen
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UCTR -The Greatest Earth Shattering Invention
Can Power Mankind To Create Infinity From Zero!
Do you believe, if I say, it's neither medicines nor vaccines but tiny paper devices can instantly wipe out greatest medical problem related to respiratory viral pandemics/ diseases (RVPDs) & allergic rhinitis (AR) from this planet earth @an effective zero-cost? And further empower mankind to: -
1. Wipe-out poverty completely without a trace!
2. Wipe-out diseases to an extent of 90%! And
3. Reverse climate change quickly!
Yes, you won't! UCTR is such a never before outrageous invention, not only you, nobody will believe it! Continue to read on, to believe it ......!
GeniusWorldLab.com is all about first finding a solution to the root cause of one gigantic block of humanity's toughest, most excruciating, most debilitating, most infectious and most expensive diseases of the world @an effective zero-cost. Invention of UCTR (Universal Comprehensive Treatment Regimen) -a finest fusion of science, philosophy and economy is that one never before ultra revolutionary -out of the planet accomplishment! It can wipe-out respiratory viral pandemics/ diseases (RVPDs) and allergic rhinitis (AR) almost @the blink of an eye @an effective zero-cost from this planet earth!
@The Cost Of One Cup Of Coffee
-Get Protection From 50% Of All The Diseases Of The World For 2 Years!
About 50% of all the diseases of the world by volume (not by numbers) manifest as the offshoots of RVPDs and AR as all the 8 plus billion people of the world suffer from them multiple times in a year. At the cost of one cup of coffee @Starbucks, one can perform UCTR for 2 years and protect himself from RVPDs and AR. This also means one can protect himself from 50% of all the diseases of the world @an effective zero-cost for two years! Such is the miraculous power & prowess of UCTR! And it's scalable globally almost @the blink of an eye! This can unleash never before gargantuan benefits instantly as listed below.
Never Before Unique Gargantuan Benefits!
By decimating 50% of all the world's diseases @one stroke, en-masse UCTR can enable the world to: -
1. Save over 5 trillion US$ per year (which is whopping more than 250 times the annual budget of NASA)!
2. Save millions of lives every year (noblest invention)!
3. Save trillions of hours every year!
4. Trigger abundant polymathic brilliance (The magic wand)!
UCTR Is Like Invention Of A Magic Wand!
UCTR is like invention of a magic wand! Its instantly unleashed enormous resources can be used to: -
1. Wipe-out poverty completely without a trace!
2. Wipe-out diseases to an extent of another additional 40%* and
3. Reverse the climate change!
[* Wiping-out of diseases will be totally 90% by volume, i.e., 50% directly due to UCTR and 40% due to its unleashed vast resources. More about this in the coming webpages]
So, UCTR is not just about wiping-off of 50% of all the world's diseases but it's all about solving most of the earth's hard pressing problems @an effective zero-cost quickly!
UCTR Is Like A Real-Life Superman
Who Can Avert The Possible Extinction Of Humans!
The two actions attributable to UCTR i.e.,
1) Wiping of respiratory viral pandemics/ diseases and allergic rhinitis
2) Reversal of climate change
can prevent nations going bankrupt and the possible extinction of humans from the planet earth! More about this in the coming webpages!
Let's Give A Great Welcome To The Most Unusual
Out Of The Planet Solution!
UCTR -the solution which looks like a most unusual, most unearthly, too outrageous and too difficult to comprehend when first heard but very much wonderfully pragmatic and very much real. It appears like a thousand years ahead of time incredible powerful solution imported from the most intelligent and most generous aliens of a faraway exotic exoplanet outside our solar system for free!
UCTR -An Amazing Display Of
Philosophy Of Problem Solving!
Please read in the box below about an inspiring anecdote which is behind the miraculous methodology of solving most of the earth's big problems by solving just only one gigantic, most expensive, most infectious and most excruciating problem of humanity @an effective zero-cost! This methodology of solving most of the earth's biggest problems (i.e., using problems themselves to solve problems) will surely amaze and blow away even the super genius-brains of the world beyond imagination! Please read on ....!
An Awe-Inspiring Anecdote
Of Bengaluru Down My Memory Lane!
When I arrived in Bangalore bare-footed in 1964 (i.e., today’s Bengaluru, capital of Karnataka, India) which is also nicknamed as the Silicon Valley of India to pursue my pre-university education, I noticed a striking scenery on the roads of Bengaluru. The roads were full of bicycles during the peak hours. Finding a car was a rare sight among the ocean of bicycles on the roads of Bengaluru of those days in contrast to today’s opposite situation i.e., noticing a bicycle is a rare sight among too many cars on the roads. Those days, owning even a bicycle was a symbol of some amount of status. Owning a basic economy model car of today was a status of the rich people!
Next morning, when I went to a hotel for breakfast, I saw 15 to 20 bicycles parked in a row on their individual stands in front of the hotel. After the nice breakfast in the hotel, I came out and saw one bicycle, which was not properly parked on its stand @one end of the row fell on the adjacent bicycle, which in turn triggered the falling of the next bicycle and so on and on ......! Eventually, all the bicycles fell in a matter of few seconds! This was a great source of fun to the onlookers including me and not to say laughter was spontaneous! These kinds of episodes were quite common in Bengaluru of those days. While I was being amused by the falling of all the bicycles due to just one improperly parked bicycle @one end, I did not have even a faintest idea, one day, I would be able to suggest to the world to use the gargantuan benefits of universal comprehensive treatment regimen (UCTR) to trigger the solution for so many other existing unsolved problems of the world -which was inspired by the very same hilarious episodes of falling bicycles (i.e., tumbling dominoes effect) which used to amuse me and everybody enormously during those good old days of Bengaluru!